
Not all those who wander are lost -Lord of the Rings

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The home stretch

I feel as if things are winding down. The last weeks have been full, but I finished up some major projects on my mental “to-do” list (a completely Western idea, by the way):

-Finished reading 1,500 pages of “academic literature” about Cameroon and literacy.
-Wrote an annotated bibliography on abovementioned pages.
-“I don finish dem Pidgin English lessons.”
-Finished up my hours of ethnographic research by learning to cook a couple of traditional Cameroonian dishes (stay tuned for personal invitations to experience these vicariously at my new apartment in Shipshewana, Indiana) and visiting a fon’s palace (A fon is an official whose jurisdiction encompasses many of the traditional practices in a village. This particular fon has 8 wives and 40 children who are referred to as queens and princes/princesses respectively).
-Traveled to two different literacy classes in the village.
-Hiked to a waterfall in the village (okay, so this wasn’t formally on the to-do list but it was beautiful)
-Scared the bejeebers out of a couple of dozen village people by waking them up with screams in the middle of the night (Also not on the to-do list- it turns out that the medication that I am taking to prevent malaria causes “mental disturbances”; so last week I woke myself up from a dream where I was screaming for help and realized that I was really screaming at the top of my lungs. Ugh! The good news is I have been sleeping much better since this incident.)
-Shopped for gifts for family and friends (if you have specific requests, speak now!)
-Spent my last evening in Bamenda with my Cameroonian family during which they prepared a special meal of fish, plantains, vegetable, sodas and sweets. The “festivities” lasted throughout the night for me as the fish bones and head that I crunched did not sit well with my stomach.
-Traveled back to the capital city (complicated by abovementioned stomach issues)

Next week’s to-do list:
-Finish final paper
-Enjoy the beach! (I got to know this delightful British woman who is traveling with me. We leave on Saturday for several days of sunshine before I fly out.)


At 12:35 PM, Blogger Stacia said...

You've done so, so much! Glad your scream dream only happened once. So, of course, when you return, my questions for you will be "Angie, rate your trip from 1 to 10, 10 being the best trip you've ever had" AND "What was the most interesting part about your trip?"

At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angie... I warned you about those scream dreams. Effective drug, isn't it. Just glad I haven't read about any foaming-at-the-mouth dog attacks. I have enjoyed traveling vicariously with you and can't wait for a re-do, and the latest recipes upon your return. Save the fish head for me please!


At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy the beach! Looking forward to seeing you!


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