
Not all those who wander are lost -Lord of the Rings

Friday, June 23, 2006

There's a first time for everything

The other night I was watching Breakfast at Tiffanies as I stumbled upon a local blockbuster in the form of some missionaries who have a collection of movies. The movie is old with a poor plot, but at one point Audrey Hepburn says that she wants to spend the whole day doing things she’s never done before. I thought to myself, “That's my life in a nutshell right now.” Fortunately I think firsts can be fun, except when I’m not in the mood to feel humble or out-of-control (or sick, as was the case today).

This week was the first time:

  • I got my dishwashing water from the shower (easier than heating up water).
  • I bleached my vegetables and fruits for twenty minutes before eating them.
  • I got measured for a church dress with a matching head scarf while five women watched and giggled (Do they think my measurements are funny? Are they calling me fat?)
  • I have had my own personal guard, in theory pacing and keeping away the boogie man while I sleep at night (the guest house has a hired night guard and I happen to be the only person here at the moment)
  • I ever ate boiled peanuts (Gladys bought me some and I thought they were dried peanuts but when I opened the shell, they were white and wet; she called them “groundnuts”)
  • I have to bring a book along when using the internet because this connection makes dial-up seem like DSL.
  • I’ve eaten a grilled plum (they call them plums but they are not the kind we have at home).
  • I was instructed to chew the chicken bones (yes, the bones themselves) because there are no dogs around. I did my best but there were still a few on my plate I’m afraid.
  • I watched the World Cup game in a small store in the midst of a crowd of Africans cheering for the team that is opposing the good ol’ USA.
  • Adeline and I cooked food in a “traditional kitchen” with a bamboo pole as my spoon/masher (it’s just like the stereotype you have in your mind of an African hut set apart from the house, incidently there is no hole in the top so it gets pretty smoky by the end)
  • I’ve ever spoken Kom (the language of the village where I visited this week.)
  • The taxi I was in hit a "fowl" while whizzing down a mountain at high speeds.
  • I traveled in a compact taxi for forty minutes with seven other adults and a child.
And I expect the list will continue to grow!


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurray for bleach! Frankly I'm in favor of bleaching everything for twenty minutes.

Groovy insights into your world; thanks for sharing.


At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Kevin likes to do the whole chewing the chicken bone thing too, although completely voluntarily. Are you checking your e-mail, b-c I have a few dress ideas to run by you and I might need your size. I would like to take care of getting your dress if you would handle any alterations that might need to be done. Let me know. I love you!


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